DOR Chemicals – Separation Distances Survey
Petrochemical & Oil

LOCATION: Haifa, Israel

CLIENT: “Blue Band” – DOR Chemicals Ltd.

CATEGORY: Risk Assessment & Surveys


◆ BAZAN – Deterministic risk survey
◆ Haifa Port – Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) survey
◆ Teva – Risk Management Guide

Project Scope: DOR Chemicals Haifa Ltd. petrochemical division is located in the “Blue Band”, industrial area of Haifa Bay. This complex’ activity belongs to the petrochemical industry and is engaged in various manufacturing and marketing activities.

PAZ Engineering and Management Company Ltd. was asked to update the Separation Distance Survey for public receptors, with reference to the environment in which the site is located.

The risk assessment is carried out in a format required by the Ministry of the Environment, in accordance with the CEO’s circular document on separation distance policy in stationary risk sources.

The survey includes reference to passive risk reduction measures, such as reducing evaporation/combustion areas, “confinement” of gas in a closed structure, and elevating a chimney (using the Briggs model).